$80.00 – $140.00
Looking to spoil them but don’t know which flowers to choose? Leave it to the experts! This Bright Florist Choice Bouquet features an assortment of brightly coloured fresh flowers and mixed foliage arranged together by one of our local florists. They’ll adore the arrival of this bouquet!
Disclaimer: Our florist choice arrangements are hand crafted and created by the florist using the freshest flowers on the day. Image photographed is an example of the colour palette of florals.
Add a Glasshouse fragrance to make your gift even more special.
We will be closed for the long weekend whilst our staff take a well deserved break to spend some time with their families.
We'll be back on Tuesday 24th September from 7am
Saturday 21st September- closed
Sunday 22nd September- closed
Monday 23rd September- closed
Tuesday 24th September June - Open
Thank you for continuing to support our small business